Installing ========== There are 3 main ways to install the plugin: 1. `Install Stable Release From Manifest <#install-stable-release-from-manifest>`__ 2. `Install Specific Version <#install-specific-version>`__ 3. `Install from source <#install-from-source>`__ Install Stable Release From Manifest ------------------------------------- To install a stable release of the plugin from flow's plugin manifest, use the following command: .. code-block:: sh pm install rtfm by cibere Install Specific Version ------------------------- Want to install a specific version? Well you can by using the `github release page `__ 1. Find the version you want to download ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install a specific version, head over to the `releases page `__ and find the version that you want to install. In my case I'm going to install the `v1.0.0a4 `__ prerelease. .. image:: /_static/images/v1.0.0a4_prerelease.png :target: 2. Get the archive link ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now grab the link to the ``zip`` file in the assets section. .. image:: /_static/images/copy_release_archive.png :target: 3. Install the plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, install the zip using the package manager: .. code-block:: sh pm install # so in my case it would be pm install Install From Source -------------------- If for whatever reason you want to build the plugin yourself, you can. 1. Download Source files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, download the source files from `the github page `__. This can be done by downloading it as a zip: .. image:: /_static/images/download_source.png :target: or by cloning it using `git `__: .. code-block:: sh git clone 2. Install Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next, install the plugin's dependencies to a folder called ``lib``. This can be done with the following command: .. code-block:: sh py -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib 3. Build the plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then build the plugin by running the ```` file while passing the name of the location. In my case, I'm going to name the built plugin ````. That can be done by running: .. NOTE:: Make sure the name you pass ends with ``.zip``, as the script will create an archive with the chosen name. .. code-block:: sh py 4. Install the plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now finally, install the plugin by using the package manager. .. code-block:: sh pm install # so in my case pm install C:\Users\default.MyPC\Downloads\flow.launcher.plugin.rtfm\