
There are 3 main ways to install the plugin:

  1. Install Stable Release From Manifest

  2. Install Specific Version

  3. Install from source

Install Stable Release From Manifest

To install a stable release of the plugin from flow’s plugin manifest, use the following command:

pm install rtfm by cibere

Install Specific Version

Want to install a specific version? Well you can by using the github release page

1. Find the version you want to download

To install a specific version, head over to the releases page and find the version that you want to install. In my case I’m going to install the v1.0.0a4 prerelease.


3. Install the plugin

Finally, install the zip using the package manager:

pm install <your link>

# so in my case it would be

pm install

Install From Source

If for whatever reason you want to build the plugin yourself, you can.

1. Download Source files

First, download the source files from the github page. This can be done by downloading it as a zip:


or by cloning it using git:

git clone

2. Install Dependencies

Next, install the plugin’s dependencies to a folder called lib. This can be done with the following command:

py -m pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib

3. Build the plugin

Then build the plugin by running the file while passing the name of the location. In my case, I’m going to name the built plugin That can be done by running:


Make sure the name you pass ends with .zip, as the script will create an archive with the chosen name.


4. Install the plugin

Now finally, install the plugin by using the package manager.

pm install <path to zip>

# so in my case

pm install C:\Users\default.MyPC\Downloads\flow.launcher.plugin.rtfm\