Favicons ======== The plugin will look for and download the favicon for each manual/doc that you are using. If the plugin consistantly chooses the wrong favicon/image to use as the result icons, please create an `issue on the github page `__ to let the developers of the plugin know, and so that they can fix it. SVG Files ---------- In the event that the favicon is an `svg `__ file, the plugin will try to use `ImageMagick `__ to convert it to a high quality ``png`` file. If `ImageMagick `__ is not installed, the plugin will use an undocumented google API to get a low quality render of the favicon. Example ~~~~~~~ Without ImageMagick .. image:: /_static/images/py_logo_wo_imagemagick_example.png With ImageMagick .. image:: /_static/images/py_logo_w_imagemagick_example.png